Image Descriptions

Photos included in article "Angry Riders Demonstrate against Access-A-Ride"

Photo #1
Michael is on a scooter and holding up a "Fix Access-A-Ride" sign at the demonstration. Next to him is Stacy in a wheelchair with her service dog, Lucky. Both Stacy and Lucky have signs. Lucky's sign says "Access-A-Ride is inhumane."

Photo #2
Antoinette is holding her colorful sign that says it all: "Stress-a-Ride!" Antoinette uses a scooter.

Photo #3
Pamela is looking at us and holding a sign that says, "MTA, fix Access-A-Ride. Peter Kalikow and Lawrence Reuter - Meet with us! No More Late Pick-Ups! No More Stranded Riders!" Her sign also tells the MTA to meet with us and to stop picking people up late or stranding them.

Photo #4
Simi Linton, a disability rights consultant, author, and teacher, is facing us and smiling. She uses a wheelchair. In the background are demonstrators at the Access-A-Ride demonstration on April 30, 2002, at MTA headquarters.

Photos included in article "Overflow Crowd at MiCASSA Hearing Concludes ADAPT Action-Packed Week in Washington"

Photo #5
Carr and Nadina LaSpina at the May ADAPT Action. They, along with other protesters, are in wheelchairs in the street with white tape on each of their laps.