Some protesters (standing as well as sitting in wheelchairs) are holding up signs reading “I WILL GIVE YOU MONEY TO GO ELSEWHERE” (with the word MONEY non-present; a United States dollar bill in its place), and “THIS STORE BREAKS THE LAW”.
Frieda Zames sits in a scooter (with a yellow base) while holding up a sign reading “WE ARE P.O.ed AT THE PO! NYC DIA“. (We are pissed off at the Post Office! New York City Disabled In Action.)
A protester, wearing a brown striped zip-up hooded sweater, sits in a wheelchair and holds a sign reading “ONE STEP IS ONE TOO MANY!! DIA of NYC“ (Disabled In Action of New York City).
At a demonstration protesting the Muscular Dystrophy telethon, protesters sitting in wheelchairs were holding signs, some reading “FREEDOM – NOT PITY” and “THE TELETHON MISINFORMS THE PUBLIC”.
At a demonstration protesting the Muscular Dystrophy telethon, a young female protester, wearing a red sweater, is standing while holding a sign reading “HEALTH CARE IS A RIGHT. NO MORE TELETHONS!”. An older female protester, wearing sunglasses with a blue jacket, a white shirt and jeans, also stands and holds a sign reading “EQUAL RIGHTS NOT HAND OUTS”.